Hi All, I'm running Dagster on AWS Elastic Contain...
# ask-community
Hi All, I'm running Dagster on AWS Elastic Container Service. As such, I have the dagit web interface, but is there a way to use the Dagster CLI, pointed at a remote instance, or do I have to login to the dagster-daemon container?
Hi Jim, we offer a graphql CLI that’s helpful for reaching an external Dagit server
The main dagster CLI assumes that it has access to to the DB, so to use it you would have to have some mechanism to expose it to your storage
Ah, yes, so if I had a dagster.yaml file in a given directory, with the appropriate entries for (my) Postgres run_storage, schedule_storage, scheduler, etc, it would work? I can give it a try. I like the graphql, but I'd basically end up wrapping your python code in Click and reproducing your CLI.
Yep, that should work to setup the cli