What’ s the best way to run a scheduler on a pipel...
# ask-community
What’ s the best way to run a scheduler on a pipeline. just started using Dagster. Im more acclimated to the Perfect Scheduler but want to learn how Dagster Scheduler implementation NEED HELP ASAP 🙏
hi @Francis Addae, the easiest way to get a job run on a schedule would be to add something like
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ScheduleDefinition(job=my_job, cron_schedule="0 0 * * *")
to your repository. Our docs have a bunch more examples for other scenarios as well: https://docs.dagster.io/concepts/partitions-schedules-sensors/schedules#a-basic-schedule
I’m running a n ETL with dbt resources embedded. Is it possible to run scheduler with that?
you can run any job on a schedule, regardless of if it has resources or not
How would i add a scheduler in this instance?
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#Call the files 
@job(resource_defs= {'dbt': dbt_run})
def main():
    e = dagETL.extract_data()
    t = dagETL.transform(e)
    l = dagETL.loading(t)
    d = dbt_run_op(l)
if __name__ == "__main__":
    result = main.execute_in_process()
you'll need to be running the dagster-daemon, which will kick off runs of your job according to the schedule you defined
I cant install dagster-daemon on my computer. Also i tried running a couple of examples on the docs and nothing works
when you install dagster, dagster-daemon should be included as well. basically, if you can run
dagster --help
, you should also be able to run
dagster-daemon --help
. if those don't work, let me know what error you're running into