Hello folks, I am new to Dagster and I would like ...
# ask-community
Hello folks, I am new to Dagster and I would like to know is there a document or process to read data from the API and send that data to AWS s3 through Dagster?
Hi Manga, here's an example of a Dagster op that uses s3: https://docs.dagster.io/_apidocs/libraries/dagster-aws#dagster_aws.s3.s3_resource
ok Thank you, curious is there is any document to connect to API through dagster and extract data?
The whole process I am trying to do with dagster is to make a connection to a Intacct API there is some data I could extract and from there I should send that data to the AWS s3 every 6 hours
is it possible with dagster?
Ops can run any python code - so if there's a way to do it in Python, you can do it in dagster
ok is there is a documentation for ops?
There is, yeah. Check out https://docs.dagster.io/concepts/ops-jobs-graphs/ops and maybe the tutorial
ok Thank you