Hi I am trying to run dagster on an EC2 and when I...
# ask-community
Hi I am trying to run dagster on an EC2 and when I launch dagit with
dagit -h -p 3000
and then try to load the webpage I am getting this error:
Copy code
WARNING:  Invalid HTTP request received.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/ec2-user/dagster/home/dagster/lib64/python3.7/site-packages/uvicorn/protocols/http/httptools_impl.py", line 124, in data_received
  File "httptools/parser/parser.pyx", line 212, in httptools.parser.parser.HttpParser.feed_data
httptools.parser.errors.HttpParserInvalidMethodError: Invalid method encountered
Has anyone run into this or have suggestions for things to check?
Hi Travis, one other time that I saw this it was due to using an https address on a server that was only configured for http
@johann that was it thanks!
Great! You should also be able to setup dagit in https by putting some proxy (e.g. nginx in front of it)