:wave: is there a clean pattern for running a dyn...
# ask-community
👋 is there a clean pattern for running a dynamic mapping in job, inan ordered way? basically I want something like
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@op(out=DynamicOut(int), config_schema={"start": int, "stop": int)
def generate_things(context) -> int:
    for i in range(context.op_config["start"], context.op_config["stop"]):
        yield DynamicOutput(value=i, mapping_key=f"{i}")

def graph_of_complex_things(i):
    ... # do graph of things with i

def dynamic_size_ordered_job():
    for i in generate_things():
I was poking around and
is the closest thing I can find but isn't ordered
this is probably very sub-optimal but the only way I could find to make it work was
Copy code
@op(out=DynamicOut(int), config_schema={"start": int, "stop": int)
def generate_things(context) -> int:
    for i in range(context.op_config["start"], context.op_config["stop"]):
        graph_of_complex_things.execute_in_process(config, resources)

def graph_of_complex_things(i):
    ... # do graph of things with i

def dynamic_size_ordered_job():
in an ordered way
can you be more specific about what you mean here?
Hey sorry just saw this. Basically have each op depend on the previous but have a dynamic number of ops executed
@Erik Did you discover any other solutions for this? I'm trying to achieve something similar, and have been trying to use GraphDefinition to build a job at runtime to define the dependencies, but it seems you can't define graphs/jobs at runtime unless I'm missing something.
I don’t believe there is a way to achieve this currently
you can’t define graphs/jobs at runtime
Not sure if this is the correct way to ask the question, but is there a way to reinitialize a graph/job definition immediately prior to running a job? Let's say I have a job I run through dagit, and in the definition for that job I reach out to a DB, and use the information returned to create a GraphDefinition. When I rerun the job, will it reinitialize that GraphDefinition?
it will - you may run in to some weird product experiences when the shape of the graph changes at unexpected times, but we always load the job/graph from source
When the job/graph is loaded, is the run_config available at definition time? Or is there some other way to get run_config accessible to definition time?
targets a well defined schema that is a property of the
. If you want to make a yaml -> job/graph system, you will have to manage that yourself outside of dagit