Hello dagster beginner here :wave: I am wondering...
# ask-community
Hello dagster beginner here 👋 I am wondering how dagster integrates with asyncio. I see you can define an async
, but you can't define an async graph? at least I didn't see how I could use
together with an async
. We also use async clients, For instance using
. This is generally used by an async contextmanager. I want to define this as a resource (I saw it is done this way for non-async clients in the hackernews example). How should I do this in dagster?
If you run for instance with multiple threads. Should you make a resource from your event loop and use that to call the threadsafe run when running something with asyncio? https://docs.python.org/3/library/asyncio-dev.html#concurrency-and-multithreading What is the pattern generally used?
dagster does not yet drive parallel execution of ops within a single process. Currently you have to use multiprocess execution to achieve parallel
execution https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/issues/4041
I am not an expert on how this then works with the multiprocess executor 🙂 In case you use a multiprocess executor does this mean that all asyncio calls run in their own event loop (i.e. each process has a different event loop)? or are these different threads and can there be issues because of the non-threadsafe behavior of asyncio?
in both in-process serial execution or multiprocess parallel, each
will be run with its own event loop
👍 1