I am trying to set up a schedule for my jobs in da...
# ask-community
I am trying to set up a schedule for my jobs in dagster. I currently have a dagit and dagster-daemon ecs container launched. I am able to run jobs manually by ssh into my dagit container and calling the jobs to start. They queue and run successfully with the dagster-daemon service. I cannot seem to get the schedules I create to show up in the schedules tab of the dagit interface. My current configuration consists of multiple
with multiple
for each. I would like to be able to run some of these entire graphs at a certain time (once a day/once a week) and some of them based on an outlying trigger (file upload etc.). If anyone with experience configuring a schedule could help that would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
Hi Dominick - are the schedules that you created included in your repository?
Yes - do you think it has anything to do with my dagster.yaml config?
If it's not showing up on the Schedules tab, I think it would be related to your workspace.yaml (or your repository code), not your dagster.yaml
If you go to the Workspace tab, do you see what you expect based on the contents of your workspace.yaml file?
Yes I am seeing everything - my workspace.yaml is fairly simple:
Copy code
  - python_file:
      relative_path: dag_repo.py
and even after you reload the location from the Workspace tab, the contents of your Schedules tab is empty?
would you mind posting or DMing your repository code?
One more quick question - If i needed to set env vars for the job I am running in a schedule - how do I do that?
if you're in ECS - the way to handle secrets in your launched jobs is here: https://docs.dagster.io/deployment/guides/ecs#secrets-management .
They are not sensitive data - not sure if I need to do all of that
At the moment that's the only config we have in ECS for setting environment variables within launched jobs. You can set dagster run config within the schedule function though
Yes - that was more of what I was looking for - so I can just add to that dict
We don't have a way for you to set arbitrary environment variables in your schedule function and have them be injected into the launched task, but you can specify your run config in the schedule function, just like you can when launching runs from the launchpad
I dont think I follow - is there an example