How can I disable scheduling and backfill jobs in ...
# ask-community
How can I disable scheduling and backfill jobs in the dagster daemon?
could you say more about what exactly you mean by 'disable the jobs'? Do you want to keep schedules and backfills from being allowed to be created in the first place?
no, just disable the polling in the daemon
for scheduling jobs
Got it - that's not a feature that we currently have available unfortunately. I'd be curious to understand the motivation/use case more
Use case is not well defined. I jjust wanted to avoid seeing the message 😄
Copy code
2022-01-27 13:34:42 +0100 - dagster.daemon.BackfillDaemon - INFO - No backfill jobs requested.
Got it, I think we can make those messages less spammy fo r sure.
👍 1