I've also faced another problem: Dagit doesn't rel...
# ask-community
I've also faced another problem: Dagit doesn't reload
when I build new user-deployments image and upgrade the helm chart. But the pod is updated, so Dagit can't run it, but it doesn't see the changes. I have to uninstall and install the chart again to make it work. I'm using "latest" tag on my image. Could that be a reason?
Hi Nick, have you tried reloading the workspace from Dagit?
Yes, and that doesn't update the repository. It works only when I do
helm uninstall
and then
helm upgrade --install
again for my user deployments.
Do you have an
set for your user deployments?
You’ll want to guarantee it’s Always if you’re using latest
The policy is "Always". The pod is actually updated, but Dagit can't see that somehow. When the job is launched it shows errors from the updated pod (e.g. it can't find "old" job names).
Hmm, that behavior is consistent with either the deployments not pulling the new image or not reloading the workspace after they’ve finished upgrading
I suspect your helm upgrade isn’t triggering the deployments to pull a new image
Could you try it out not using latest
Will do it later and let you know.
Using exact tag works.
You could take a look at https://github.com/helm/helm/issues/5696, I think they ran in to a similar issue. In general it’s easiest to just avoid using
, but there are some workarounds that will force k8s to do a upgrade to the deployment which would pick up the new image