It seems I've hit a limitation of Dagstermill and ...
# ask-community
It seems I've hit a limitation of Dagstermill and the new API. I'm using
to spin up a test database for each of my jobs. I can access it as a fixture in a pytest function, where I convert it to a resource like so:
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def test_foo(postgresql): 
    engine = create_engine(
    def test_data_warehouse(context):
        return Postgres(engine=engine)
    my_job = my_graph.to_job(resource_defs={"data_warehouse": test_data_warehouse})
This works until I added a Dagstermill solid: `dagster.core.errors.DagsterInvariantViolationError: Reconstructable target was not a function returning a job definition, or a job definition produced by a decorated function. If your job was constructed using ``GraphDefinition.to_job``, you must wrap the ``to_job`` call in a function at module scope, ie not within any other functions. To learn more, check out the docs on ``reconstructable``:` But I cannot define the job at the module level, because the postgres engine is only available to me as a fixture. Any workarounds?
hi @Jeremy Fisher ! What you want here is build_reconstructable_pipeline (which aliases to
if you don't want to use the legacy name for jobs 🙂). Using that, you can define a function to produce your job at module scope, as long as you can serialize the arguments to that function using JSON. I think for your use case, you could just pass in the connection string, rather than the whole postgresql object. A simple example looks like:
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# my_module/
import pytest
from dagster import op, graph, ResourceDefinition
from dagster.core.definitions.reconstructable import build_reconstructable_target

def something():
    return 123

def get_my_job(val):
    def foo(context):
        return <|>

    def bar():

    return bar.to_job(resource_defs={"xyz": ResourceDefinition.hardcoded_resource(val)})

def test_x(something):

    recon_job = build_reconstructable_target(
        "my_module.test_foo", "get_my_job", reconstructable_args=(something,)
    # you now have a reconstructable job using a fixture
✔️ 1
Thanks! I wouldn't have guessed that this API existed.
yeah it's pretty obscure -- we haven't even migrated the names / docs over yet blobl grimace
I wonder if it makes sense to add something to this effect in the dagstermill integration?
what would you imagine that interface looking like?
I mean, in the docs
ohhh yep we definitely should
@Dagster Bot docs document using build_reconstructable_target with dagstermill