Hi! I'm trying to set-up k8s cluster with helm. I ...
# ask-community
Hi! I'm trying to set-up k8s cluster with helm. I want to build a separate user code image as described here: https://docs.dagster.io/deployment/guides/kubernetes/deploying-with-helm#build-docker-image-for-user-code But I don't get the python versioning schema here. As I understand dagster-celery-k8s image uses python 3.7.8 which is a bit outdated. Can I use python 3.9 in my user image?
Hi Nick - you can use python 3.9, yeah. Your user code doesn't need to use dagster-celery-k8s as a base image, it just needs to have the dagster library installed so that it can load your code
I'm just curious about compatibility. Thanks!
oh, I see - yeah, the different parts of the system communicate over gRPC or the structured event log, so there shouldn't be any compatibility issues, you can have multiple user code images running different versions of python even