Hi, is there a way to run a schedule programmatica...
# ask-community
Hi, is there a way to run a schedule programmatically from user-code (that defines the schedule)? I read here (https://docs.dagster.io/concepts/partitions-schedules-sensors/schedules#running-the-scheduler) that the schedule needs to be started/stopped from dagit or via dagster schedule start/stop commands
Hi Dipit - when you say 'run a schedule' do you mean to start the schedule, like to do the same thing as flipping the toggle in dagit?
we were just talking the other day about how it would be nice for some use cases to be able to configure some schedules in code as 'always on' (cc @sashank @cat @prha)
So I assume that is not supported yet
We don't have a great python API for this currently, no. I'll file an issue though because I don't think it would be very difficult to build and this is not the first time it's come up recently
Sure, thanks for the information. Yes, it would be great to have this capability.
Hi Dipit - this thread is very old, but just letting you know that this is now possible in the 0.14.0 release that just went live :)