The preview is exited (even though I would want to...
# dagster-plus
The preview is exited (even though I would want to stay in the preview) when clicking on view global asset lineage.
Hey, code previews are being phased out in favor of branch deployments: Have you gotten a chance to set that up? The experience will be more seamless as the branch deployment is not just a preview - you can run jobs/materialize assets as well.
that is sad to hear -as the static previw is a nice addition
branch deployments have the static previews as well - they’re code previews with more functionality
not yet for various reasons (though a dummy is set up but not in the real project) 1) they are not auto deleted 2) some concerns like are still unclear to me (and perhaps also conceptually not yet covered)
But so far I thought that branch deployments would auto trigger the job? Or is this optional (i.e. potential for static previews only)
but how would I (for now until the other concerns are solved) disable the interactive execution)?