Hey everyone, having an issue with the dagster and...
# ask-community
Hey everyone, having an issue with the dagster and dagit CLIs. I'm on Mac M1 and just ran this fresh install from the docs:
pipenv install dagster dagit requests
Upon trying to run any command with either the
CLIs, I get this error:
Copy code
ImportError: dlopen(/Users/papi/.local/share/virtualenvs/dagster-oVuOtnKT/lib/python3.10/site-packages/google/protobuf/pyext/_message.cpython-310-darwin.so, 0x0002): symbol not found in flat namespace (__ZN6google8protobuf15FieldDescriptor12TypeOnceInitEPKS1_)
I saw in an earlier message a few months ago about an issue with the
library on Mac M1s. I tried installing with the
flag but it didn't change anything. Would love some help here!
dagster bot responded by community 1
So, just as a fellow M1 & dagster user, I had no issues installing or running dagit locally. That being said, I’ve used my machine for several other things and may have accidentally installed some extra dependencies that resolved this issue along the way! So apologies if this advice is too generic, but have you tried: • Installing Xcode • made sure you have the python-devel headers? If you installed via brew it should be there by default, but a reinstall may help
All good, appreciate the help. I've installed Xcode for sure. I'm not sure if I have the python dev headers. Will give that a go
I think they should be installed if you installed python with brew, but I’m not sure if they come with the default system python or not in osx. Also worth mentioning I’m using a different python version (I run 3.8 due to several other non-dagster related reasons 🙂 ) At one point, it seems like there may have been an issue with grpcio and protobuf in python 3.10 but not others, so this github issue may be helpful to look over: protobuf grpc
Ah interesting. I'm currently running
so that could be it
Turns out it was an issue with the Protobuf version. Thanks @yuhan for the help on this! Reference issue -> https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/issues/9728
👍 2