Also is it possible to call an Op from an asset?
# ask-community
Also is it possible to call an Op from an asset?
Oversimplification, but an asset is an op, so you can’t. What you can do is setup a graph-based asset if you’re chaining ops
@Vinnie yeah i am sadly aware of the asset-in-an-ops - It might be any XY problem - I'm trying to have a databricks job presented as an Asset, as assets give me better lineage etc than jobs
Are there any limitations to using the graph method for you? That’s how I setup most of my workflows and always found workarounds for the limitations.
Hi! Sorry for jumping in this thread but I have a question related to this topic. As far as I can tell, the main limitation for using the graph backed asset method is that I cannot use my IO Manager to save the asset generated on my database. Is this the case or I'm just missing the docs how-to-do-it?
@Stefano You can specify the IO manager on the final
in the graph.
Copy code
@op(out=(any, io_manager_key="my_cool_io_manager"))
def my_op():
    return "such a cool op"