What is the correct way to define external asset d...
# ask-community
What is the correct way to define external asset dependencies? Running the example from the Defining external asset dependencies section in the docs results in the attached error message when trying to materialize assets in either repository. Looks like this behavior could be related to this issue? 🤷
from dagster import AssetKey, SourceAsset, asset, repository
def repository_a_asset():
return 5
def repository_a():
return [repository_a_asset]
repository_a_source_asset = SourceAsset(key=AssetKey("repository_a_asset"))
def repository_b_asset(repository_a_asset):
return repository_a_asset + 6
def repository_b():
return [repository_b_asset, repository_a_asset]
I am new to dagster myself but having scanned the docs I ran across https://docs.dagster.io/concepts/ops-jobs-graphs/graphs#graph-patterns (alias ?) which might be worth a try 🤷
you included
in both repos, instead of
in the latter