Passing along a question from <@U03TGC9G1T6> - is ...
# ask-community
Passing along a question from @Frederik Hagelund - is there a way to set op level timeouts? We've got a problem where ops sometimes hang and keep running for hours and hours, is there a way to set them to terminate after a period?
I did a little digging on this, we don’t support op-level timeouts. here’s a long lived issue on GH which hasn’t been prioritized yet.
the good news, as I mentioned on Zendesk, is that these hanging ops won’t impact your bill, we don’t include ops which don’t have an stop-time in your final sum
Hi @Dagster Jarred . Thank you for above. However after terminating the jobs (after hanging for 50 hours) i see them under the cumulative minutes? Will they not be included in the Bill still? When will i be invoiced. I only see an invoice from 1 sept to 1 okt under invoices.
Did you manually terminate the jobs, or did they just fail? They shouldn't be attributed to the usage unless they have step-end events. I'll follow up on your invoice question Cc @rex could his ops/jobs show up in usage and bills if he manually terminates a job?
I manually terminated it, since it would never have finished. It was just caught in constant running.
hey fredrik, i think in this case because it was manually terminated and below a certain threshhold, it did end up on your usage bill. can you send me a link to the particular run where this anomalous op ran? i’ll adjust your bill
@rex Any updates here on the invoices missing 🙂
Hey, sorry for the delay in this. we’re looking to get this resolved for you, but the corrected invoices might not come until the beginning of next month, after the holidays.
hey Fredrik, we haven’t forgotten about this, we need to generate the prior invoices and will be doing that this week