I’m still trying to grok repositories and workspac...
# ask-community
I’m still trying to grok repositories and workspaces wrt my use case. We have a single git repo with many folders, each of which is concerned with a different isolated pipeline. In Dagster land, would these folders be workspaces or repositories? If workspaces, can you have many workspaces in the same repo? Or is it best to have only one workspace per repo?
The workspace/repository abstractions are definitely something that we’re aware is confusing to folks, and are working actively on simplifying. The ontology is that you have a single workspace per dagit installation, but you can have multiple repositories contained within a single workspace. Each of those folders can probably exist as their own repository.
Okay, thanks! I’ll try that
One thing to be clear on, they don't need to be separate repos. If you don't need code isolation between your pipelines, you can place them all within the same repo
Got it, thanks