Minor thing, but in Dagit it says `Executing step ...
# deployment-kubernetes
Minor thing, but in Dagit it says
Executing step "my_op" in Kubernetes job dagster-step-89ab8bb9534b72ded96243830e8567be.
, but the pod name I need for
is actually
with an extra suffix. Is there a way to get that suffix in the Dagster log message? It would be handy to be able to use that pod name directly in debugging commands.
i think the copy here is technically accurate - it is creating a k8s job with that name and the k8s job is in turn creating a k8s pod you could in theory have multiple pods per job although in practice, it’s usually going to be one. i think you can do something like this in kubectl though to select your associated pods https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/24709#issuecomment-669819480
Ah, makes sense. I agree getting from job to pod isn't that bad (just one command), but there were a way to get the pod name(s) that would skip the step. Not a big deal if that doesn't play nicely.
at first glance i don’t think it plays super nicely only because the particular event is emitted before the k8s job itself has actually been created (so there’s not a pod yet): https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/blob/51b346e29dc368f8734ead4cee60a0ec9ce61d20/python_modules/libraries/dagster-k8s/dagster_k8s/executor.py#L230-L238 but go ahead and open a github issue if you’d like - that’ll help us track the request