Is there a way to order inputs or outputs? For exa...
# ask-community
Is there a way to order inputs or outputs? For example, if I had a bunch of inputs would there be a way to order them via some sort of reduce operation before passing them to a future layer?
you can control the order in which each output is emitted during computation, although I don't necessarily want to recommend going down that path depending on what the use case is here -- in general we recommend against going too "wide" with your graph with things like DynamicOutputs (as a framework like map-reduce is more suited for super highly-parallel operations), but there are definitely cases where it might make sense to do what you're proposing
So our application here we have some instantaneous operations we want to perform on state variables that occur at different moments of time. The mapping here is simple since it's the same operation being performed at different moments of time. Then we'd like to track these outputs across the time, which is where the reduction gets a bit tricky since we would want to maintain a temporal ordering. Does this make sense?
hm sorry, not fully understanding -- what are you imagining the graph of operations being? Would it basically be N operations (for each thing you might want to do to your state variables), then a single computation that you want to be downstream of all of those operations? and what sort of tracking would you be doing with these outputs?
Would it be possible hop on a huddle and chat in a few min? Might be easier to explain verbally?
sure sounds good