Are there any thoughts by the Dagster team to have...
# dagster-feedback
Are there any thoughts by the Dagster team to have different layouts on Dagit UI for Data Lineage or Graph representation of jobs ? Lot of times, the graph is not very deep, but it can be really wide and in such case the UI becomes pretty clunky to scroll wide. Scrolling up/down is a bit easier for such scenario. So +1 for configurable layout of UI representation of Dags/Assets/Graphs
❤️ 5
Thanks for the feedback @Binoy Shah. This is something we've been thinking about recently but we don't have any immediate solutions planed right now. I'm hoping to dedicate some time after the holidays towards this problem though. In your ideal world, how would you like to be able to configure the graph? Is it as simple as just providing a horizontal vs. vertical toggle? Something we've also considered recently is adding a new super zoomed out view that could make it easier to pan around and explore really large graphs. I'm curious if you'd find that useful.
I like the idea of super zoom out, with enough discernable details to identify the items that I need to drill down on In that aspect I like the data lineage views as shown by datahub,7)/Documentation?is_lineage_mode=true&separate_siblings=false&show_columns=false Also has some additional controls to tweak the rendered items
ty spinny 1
This is cool. I like the extra "controls" panel that makes it easy to adjust the view