Hi, when I use the output of OP as an input of op_...
# ask-community
Hi, when I use the output of OP as an input of op_generator, I got this errror.
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dagster._core.errors.DagsterInvalidDefinitionError: "log__<dagster._core.definitions.composition.InvokedSolidOutputHandle object at 0x1088f1f90>" is not a valid name in Dagster. Names must be in regex ^[A-Za-z0-9_]+$.
Here is the sample code.
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@op(out={"step_name": Out()})
def op__get_config():
    step_name = "hello-dagster"
    return step_name

def generate_op(step_name: str):
    def func():

    return func

def job() -> None:

    step_name = op__get_config()
    log_op = generate_op(step_name)