Hello, I'd like to work on the equivalent of the `...
# ask-community
Hello, I'd like to work on the equivalent of the
available on Runs but for Ops, in order to limit only part of a Run in terms of concurrency (our use case has a DAG with DBT assets (no limit) and Python API calls that would require rate limiting in terms of concurrency) Is there any pointers on how it would be achievable or where to discuss this kind of architecture concerns ?
🤖 1
Hi Olivier - is this something you'd be interested in sending out a PR for? That would be really great and we'd be happy to send out some code pointers
yes ! please do, I'm more than willing to work on it, but I think I'll need help getting started
Absolutely - I'll add them to the relevant github issue here: https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/issues/8525
perfect thx
Commented on the issue with some links to the relevant code in the run dequeuer and step dequeuer that would now be sharing more logic - don't hesitate to reach out here or on the issue if you have any questions
cool thx, so the code itself will actually be in the get_steps_to_execute in a pratically similar fashion to the limit tag ?
That's exactly right, yeah
thx, I'll take a look at the related tests to limit and get started from that