I've been testing an issue with a sensor on the da...
# dagster-plus
I've been testing an issue with a sensor on the dagster cloud. I've been encountering a
dagster._core.errors.DagsterUserCodeUnreachableError: dagster._core.errors.DagsterUserCodeUnreachableError: Could not reach user code server
unreachable issue. I have resolved the issue, however this took quite a bit of trial and error, is there a way to debug/ see the logs on these kinds of errors on dagster cloud
Hi Sean - you can emit logs from within a sensor function like in this example: https://docs.dagster.io/concepts/partitions-schedules-sensors/sensors#logging-in-sensors- Would that have helped here?
Did the issue that you ran into come from the sensor taking more than 60 seconds to run? Or some other issue?
The issue was a result of a malformed
. I found the link very helpful, specifically the testing portion, thank you
Interesting, I wouldn’t expect malformed run config to cause an error like that
If you happen to have an example of code that was causing that error we’d be happy to take a look - the intended behavior if there’s a python error while evaluating the sensor function is that the error is displayed in dagit
Unfortunately the specific code contains some proprietary info. However it was an issue caused by trying to send an unserializable object as part of a run config. Follow up question, is it possible to use job resources in sensors
There's an example that shows how to access resources in sensors here: https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/issues/3794#issuecomment-1026339128
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