Hey folks, is there an option of settings up dagst...
# ask-community
Hey folks, is there an option of settings up dagster retries for a pipeline to automatically be re-executed on error? Similar to this article for jobs
Hey @Sheya Bernstein are you referring to pipeline as in the pre-op/graph/job concept of pipeline? or something else?
Hey Jamie, I'm referring to a pipeline comprised of a graph of ops
ok - and you’re directly running the graph? along the lines of
Copy code
def my_op():
   return 1

def my_graph():

or adding the graph to your repository like
Copy code
def my_repo():
    return [my_graph]
I believe that automatically run retries might work directly on the graph. if that’s not the behavior you see, let me know! (any error messaging would be helpful too)
I'm adding the graph to the repository
ok. as far as i know it might still work. have you tried it and not seeing the retries?