Will a <RetryPolicy> on an `@op` cause a retry if ...
# deployment-kubernetes
Will a RetryPolicy on an
cause a retry if the pod is OOMKilled? From the docs it looks like the retry is handling an exception from the op, and I'm not sure if that handling encapsulates the pod-termination check. I'm looking at an op that failed with "STEP_FAILURE Step my_step failed health check: Discovered failed Kubernetes job dagster-step-1b1e67c47da27410811b5606965fb1c4 for step my_step" and showed Status: OOMKilled in
kubectl describe
but ran fine on retry w/ plenty of RAM headroom as far as I can tell.
It currently will not, retry policies are only respected for failures directly raised by user code, like if you raise an exception. We could change this to cover more cases- feel free to open an issue
ty thankyou 1
Thanks for following up; filed a ticket.