Hello, I just updated Dagster to 1.1.6 version but...
# ask-community
Hello, I just updated Dagster to 1.1.6 version but I am now unable to materialize any asset manually using the
Materialize all / Materialize selected
button. Details in 🧵
When clicking on the button while having the console open, I see that the
respond with a 502. It is probably a timeout issue because I try to load many partitions at once (around 100k).
It is a regression since the previous version I was using (1.0.17) as I can’t launch any run and backfills manually from the UI. I hope you will figure this out 🙏
Update: I just tested this locally on a fresh DB and the popup asking to select partitions for the runs is showing up. It confirms that the issue is likely related to too many partitions to fetch, thus having the server to timeout
For more context on this: I have a partitioned job built with
with 6 assets and with a 15 minutes time window partition since 2022-01-01
@sean is this is the issue that’s getting fixed this week?
I don’t think so
ok @Alexis Manuel could you open a bug in github with the behavior you’re seeing? any error messages, screenshots from the UI of unexpected behavior, etc would all help us debug
Sure no problem