When using hybrid deployments of dagster cloud, in...
# dagster-plus
When using hybrid deployments of dagster cloud, in the past non-isolated runs were possible (by opting in into the beta feature) since GA of this feature for serverless, it seems to be gone in hybrid for me. Is this true? How can I get non-isolated runs to launch in hybrid?
Hey Georg - both the original experiment and the GA launch were initially targeted at just serverless, although we're thinking of expanding non-isolated runs to Hybrid as well. There are some fixes we need to make first in order to be comfortable recommending it for hybrid (one big one is that if you redeploy your code in Hybrid, it'll kill any non-isolated runs that are still running on the old version of the code). If you do want to try it out with those caveats, there's a tag that you can apply to your run in the Launchpad or in your job code: "dagster/isolation" : "disabled" - but it's still very much a "use at your own risk" situation on hybrid right now.
great to know
yes I want this
where does the code run when running in Hybrid in non-isolated mode (specifically when deployed on ECS)? on the standing user code container?
Yeah, it runs on the user code container