I am using azure pipelines to deploy dagster. I wa...
# dagster-plus
I am using azure pipelines to deploy dagster. I want to have user code deployment to be seperate from the demon/dagit deployment. I am trying to deploy user code deployment from a seperate project from Azure. Is this possible or should I have a user code deployment from the same project as that of demon/dagit deployment ? Please suggest
Hi Vinu, the two relevant requirements are that • the daemon and dagit need a list of running user code deployments (this is provided via the
file, or generated for you if using the helm chart) • the daemon and dagit are able to reach the gRPC servers over the the network
So if you’re able to set up networking across two projects, it’s feasible. The first bullet does mean that both projects would need to be updated when adding a new user code location, but updating an existing one would only require changes to the user code deployment project.
Hi Johann, thankyou. I have managed to deploy from 2 different projects. But now in openshift helm releases i see 2 of them. One is dagster and second one is user deployment. I was expecting only one helm release in openshift. Please let me know if my understanding is correct🙂
not sure I follow- you separately `helm install`’d dagster and the user code deployments, so it’s expected to see two helm releases
Alright got it. So when we try to have the user code deployment seperate from the system:demon/dagit it is expected to see two helm releases. 🙂
However I want only single helm release in my openshift project, but I want the user code deployment to be seperate from the system:demon/dagit. Could you please suggest what needs to be done here for this?
Not sure I follow. By having them separate, do you mean you want them in separate projects?
Also just for the record, this channel is for the Dagster Cloud product. Questions about deploying open source dagster can go in #dagster-support or in this case #dagster-kubernetes. Easy mistake to make
Hello Johann, i simply want to have a user code deployment that doesn't trigger or rerun the demon/dagit deployment when new repo is added. And this has to be deployed to ome single project in openshift. under helm i see 2 charts, dagster and dagster-user-deployment. I have disabled the subchart in dagster chart(value.yml). But not sure after this what needs to be done for having user code deployment seperate from system(daemon/dagit) I appreciate your assistance here, still i will check in #dagster-support as suggested☺️
if you do everything in one Helm release, the daemon/dagit won’t be affected when you update user code deployments as long as nothing has changed. So maybe that’s enough separation? Otherwise I