I'm trying to load a partitioned asset from anothe...
# ask-community
I'm trying to load a partitioned asset from another repo. I'm using the same partitioned asset
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allfindata_budget = SourceAsset(
    key=AssetKey(["esg", "allfindata"]),
I'm getting the error
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dagster._check.CheckError: Failure condition: Tried to access partition key for asset 'AssetKey(['esg', 'allfindata'])', but the number of input partitions != 1: '<dagster._core.definitions.partition.DefaultPartitionsSubset object at 0x7f8d2c9d7040>'.
What is the input partition? Thanks
🤖 1
oh I think it does work... not sure why it had that error.
oh, just forgot to make one of the downstream asset partitioned