Hi! I have the current situation: - A partitioned ...
# ask-community
Hi! I have the current situation: • A partitioned asset A • A partitioned asset B which depends on asset A When my io manager tries to get data from A (when trying to materialize B), it is failing because it’s looking for a non-partitioned asset, i.e.
. Why could this be happening? Both assets are annotated with
and their job definitions include
as a parameter. I need the io manager the pick up only the partition from A that corresponds to the same date of B that I’m trying to materialize.
to anyone having the same issue, I figured it out. The problem was that I was adding 2 separate jobs to my repository. It should’ve been a single job selecting both assets. While this may have been obvious to some, I think more docs for multi-asset jobs would’ve been helpful for me.