It looks like your image didn’t install the “celer...
# ask-community
It looks like your image didn’t install the “celery” package. Is it possible to share your Dockerfile?
I also use another dockerfile for user code. Will share that too.
Can you paste the text of the user code dockerfile rather than a screenshot?
(or as a file)
Looks like this is an issue with python 3.7 and the celery library, there are some workarounds suggested here
looks like the simplest fix is adding importlib-metadata<5.0 to the list of installed packages
Hi Daniel, thanks for the response. i am not sure if i can share you the file or the content as im working on my office laptop...
but i can try adding importlib-metadata<5.0, but could you suggest where should i add this? Is it in the user code dockerfile? like in the below? RUN pip install \ dagster==${DAGSTER_VERSION} \ dagster-postgres==${DAGSTER_VERSION} \ dagster-aws==${DAGSTER_VERSION} \ dagster-k8s==${DAGSTER_VERSION} \ dagster-celery[flower,redis,kubernetes]==${DAGSTER_VERSION} \ dagster-celery-k8s==${DAGSTER_VERSION} \ importlib-metadata<5.0
That’s where I would add it yeah
Sure, thanks I'll try that. ☺️
##[error]The command '/bin/sh -c pip install dagster==${DAGSTER_VERSION} dagster-postgres==${DAGSTER_VERSION} dagster-aws==${DAGSTER_VERSION} dagster-k8s==${DAGSTER_VERSION} dagster-celery[flower,redis,kubernetes]==${DAGSTER_VERSION} dagster-celery-k8s==${DAGSTER_VERSION} importlib-metadata<5.0' returned a non-zero code: 2 ##[error]The process '/usr/bin/docker' failed with exit code 2 guess this should be some syntax error.
awesome, it worked !
🎉 1
And i have another question. 🙂 i have a requirement to have the user code deployment as separate and to have daemon/dagit deployment to be separate. I did read an article from dagster where i will have to madify the below in the dagster values.yaml file. workspace: enabled: true enableSubchart: false. and after making the above changes it also says the dagster-user-deployments will be managed on its own. But not sure how will it be manages and what else i will have to modify for Separately Deploying Dagster Infrastructure and User Code.
Can you say more what you mean by "how will it be managed"?
this is the line from the article itself "Finally, the
subchart can now be managed in its own release."
You still have to helm upgrade that chart when you make changes to your code
but you no longer have to upgrade the release with dagit/the daemon/ etc.
can we have a quick call if possible? 🙂
I can't do a call, but we can answer questions here
sure thats fine. now i see i have 2 charts, 1. dagster 2. dagster-user-deployments both has its own value.yaml files. now for separately deploying dagster infrastructure and user code i make the below changes in dagster(values.yaml) workspace: enabled: true enableSubchart: false then the user code deployment from openshift disappears. so this clearly means this it wants me to have user code deployment separate. am i correct?
im sorry, im very new to this 🙂
no problem - you can choose to either do everything in a single helm chart and helm release, or split things out into two helm charts and two releases as described here: The single chart approach is probably simpler if you want to keep it simple. If you do use two separate helm charts, you only need to helm update the dagster-user-deployments helm chart when your code changes
alright, so i can simply deploy the dagster-user-deployment chart like i did for dagster chart. using the dagster-user-deployment(values.yaml) file. and i guess it will create another helm release in the opnshift side beside the already deployed dagster helm release.
I believe that's correct, yeah
Two separate helm releases
ok, so thats clear now, what if i want only one helm release only in openshift but i also want to separately deploy dagster infrastructure and user code.. is that possible?
I don't think that is possible, no
ok fine. so if i want to separately deploy the user code it will be another helm release. got it.. I will work on the separate deployment part and will get back.. 🙂 thanks for all your assistance..
condagster 1