Hey folks, in Airflow there’s a `depends_on_past` ...
# integration-airflow
Hey folks, in Airflow there’s a
option in DAGs where a scheduled DAG run won’t kick off until the DAG run preceding it finishes successfully. What’s the recommended way to achieve this in Dagster?
There isn't a direct analog but depending on what you're trying to accomplish you could 1. define a
function on your schedule 2. define a RunStatusSensor that runs whenever the last job completes Also worth noting that Dagster doesn't have as many of the same noisy neighbor issues that exist/existed in airflow(that were addressed with pooling and other features like
) so if your mostly looking to avoid having a bunch of inflight jobs you shouldn't need to worry about that as much
Thanks! I’ll look into that
np! Just in case you are looking to limit the number of inflight runs of a given job there are also some ways you configuring that as well https://docs.dagster.io/deployment/run-coordinator#limiting-run-concurrency, these options work similarly to
run airflow