Can we have multiple code locations in workspace.y...
# ask-community
Can we have multiple code locations in workspace.yaml? Documentation says we can but when I try to provide a python_package and python_file elements, dagit is not able keep the code server alive. The code server for package entry tries to start but is terminated subsequently. the python file entry never starts. When I try each option individually it works.
🤖 1
Hi Daya. I've been able to load Dagit successfully with both a package and a python file. Is there any error message that shows up when the dagster attempts to load the package?
So I tried to move out of workspace.yaml and moved away from package initialization as well and created a file which created a definitions object in global scope. Created 2 files like this in the base working directory. When I call dagit with multiple - f tags it doesn't work. Each one individually works. Both dagit and Dagster are on 1.1.7 and python version is 3.7.5
Odd... I'm able to successfully run the 2 files in Dagit as you mentioned above using 1.1.7. I'm surfacing your question to the team, hopefully can get back to you soon. What was the log output when calling dagit with mutiple -f tags?
Thanks. The logs have nothing useful. Starting code server for file1 Shutting down code server for file2 No entry for the second file at all.
Tried changing the log level to trace. Still nothing
Hi Daya - what version of grpcio do you have installed? (If you run
pip freeze | grep grpcio
Try installing 1.47.2 instead
1.48 was yanked for causing mysterious hangs
Oh ok.. Trying now. Thanks a lot Daniel. Will get back to you once done
condagster 1
This is nice. It's working now! Thanks a lot Daniel. Issues like this are so difficult to debug.
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