cc <@U01AJKLN5A9> / <@UCMSYKG1Y>
# dagster-feedback
cc @dish / @Ben Gotow
I think we could locally track that you are on
, so at least that way that’s the one you see first when you open any compute logs for any run. I’d be a little worried about defaulting to one or the other based on presence of content (since that could change per-run) but I think we could at least track and default to your preference.
And I think we can have an option in the select menu to show them all at once — cc @prha any reason not to do this?
ty thankyou 1
like, stdout/stderr side-by-side, or intermingled? For the latter, we don’t have an ordering to interleave messages. I think we can do the first.
making stdout/stderr selection sticky is a good idea, at least
d for tracking the stdout/stderr preference value
ty thankyou 1