Hi friends, any reason why my assets would be `Sta...
# dagster-plus
Hi friends, any reason why my assets would be
even after they are materialized? I'm on the hybrid setup and latest version of Dagster
🤖 1
Hi Qwame - is this for a partitioned asset?
All my assets
Both partitioned and non-patitioned
Today's release includes some changes that should fix partitioned assets showing up as stale. One situation where a non-partitioned asset could show up as stale even immediately after materializing it: if you have assets A -> B -> C, and A was materialized more recently than both B and C, then you materialize C without materializing B, C will still be considered Stale, because it's based on an old version of A. Also happy to try to understand what's going on in your specific situation if you have details on hand