Is there any documentation or examples of the GRPC...
# ask-community
Is there any documentation or examples of the GRPC server being extended to accomodate additional endpoints? MY company has containerized our code server, but we don't want to put another server in the same container.
🤖 1
Hi Anthony - do you mean you want the same running container to be both running the dagster grpc server and some other server at the same time? Or do you want the same image to be able to support other entry points besides just the Dagster gRPC server?
The latter is I think just a matter of overriding the entrypoint of the image which is easy to do in a system like docker compose (or changing the arguments that you pass to docker run). The former is a bit trickier and I don't think i've seen a request for it before - there are some general docker docs for it here though that aren't dagster specific:
Thanks for the reply! Our hope is the former, although I think the latter is not a bad alternative.
@daniel For clarification, the GRPC server points at a local repo, but we want to modify code in that repo over the network, after the GRPC server has been started. How can we extend the GRPC server with additional endpoints? For example, we want to modify a config variable in a yaml file remotely. It would be nice to not have to create an additional server on the same machine.
We don't currently have a built-in way to extend the gRPC server with additional endpoints - is that something you'd be willing to file a feature request for?
I could do that. Is that something others might want?
it's not a request i've seen before - I'd be tempted to run two separate gRPC servers instead
Hm that makes sense. Thanks for the insight. Why does dagster use GRPC for communication anyways?
they let us run user code in a separate environment from system code - so we can avoid dependency issues and keep different code locations isolated from messing each other up and messing dagit up
we had a similar requirement, i.e., extend the code location to either expose another grpc method or yet another server on another port. Intention is to add some custom code for our very specific requirements