The Dagster AssetReconciliationSensor does this ni...
# dagster-feedback
The Dagster AssetReconciliationSensor does this nifty thing where it yields a RunRequest but doesn't create a global job definition (AFAIK). Is it is simple as returning the following rather than a pre-defined job?
Copy code
return RunRequest(asset_selection=list(asset_keys))
🤖 1
yep that'll work! as long as those assets are possible to run within the same job (so for example, a list containing two assets, one hourly partitioned and the other daily partitioned would result in an error)
🌈 1
under the hood, dagster creates a "mega job" (or multiple mega jobs, in the case of different partitions definitions) when the repository is created
do i need to specify the mega job in the
I believe you should be able to just leave the job out entirely
I believe you should be able to just leave the job out entirely
it's worth trying, but I suspect this does not work the asset reconciliation sensor uses the
argument on
to target a bunch of assets, and then the RunRequest subselects within that set.
does not yet support that argument (confusingly, the
argument on
refers to the assets to monitor). I am going to try to remedy this. as a workaround in the meantime, you could create a job that targets all your assets and point at it in the multi-asset sensor.
👍 2
ah that's right, good catch
been playing with this this week. two gotches to add -- 1.
does not accept
as an accepted type:
dagster._check.ParameterCheckError: Param "asset_selection" is not one of ['Sequence'].
2. The "mega job", which is best most easily defined as
, fails if there are different partitions. I can see the tehnical complexity here and I finially understand why there were those ASSET_JOB_0 - 5 showing up in the reconicilation sensor. But, a pain nonetheless