Hello team, I think is not possible but I thought ...
# ask-community
Hello team, I think is not possible but I thought I would ask before giving up, is there a way to know if a job or any of its ops have a retry policy thought the api (or from the job failure run event)?
Thanks @claire but not sure how this would work
I'm trying to get this information from a failure sensor, this have to work for local code and also workspaces coming from a grpc code server
I've been checking the data model in the graphql api
and I can see anything that models a retry
so at that time, I wont have the code, just the run metadata
I was expecting to get the job metadata, and with that check if it has retry policies
is that possible at all?
Ah I see, I misread your question. I think within a run failure sensor you could do something like this:
Copy code
def report_failure_sensor(context):
to detect any tag-based run retry policies. However, I don't think it's possible to detect if an op has a retry policy.
Thanks @claire I'll check that one