Who is the best person to nudge to review/merge a ...
# ask-community
Who is the best person to nudge to review/merge a PR for dagster-azure?
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you can request a review from me! i’m
on github
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And what about Vercel and buildkite? I don't have permissions to see anything related to those failing steps so I am stuck in the state where it can't be merged and I cannot see what needs to be fixed 😞
I can kick off buildkite for you (I don’t think vercel will be necessary since there aren’t docs changes). Once BK runs I’ll let you know what errors emerge (unfortunately our permissions don’t allow external contributors to see the BK results, but we’re trying to fix that)
Can you take a look again @jamie, I see the build failed. Sorry for the hassle, hope the fix to make it easier for contributors happens soon
yep i’m taking a look! unfortunately i don’t know much about the helm test suite that’s failing, so i’m having another engineer take a look. sorry this is such a hassle
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thanks for looking into it
merged your PR in! thanks for the contribution! we aren’t doing a release next week, but it will be out the following week
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Can you please take a look at the other extremely similarly named PR? it does basically the same but for the ADLS2 resource authentication, it seems green