Hi team! As I see in docs you may use `-m` flag mu...
# ask-community
Hi team! As I see in docs you may use
flag multiple times for
dagster api grpc
(which is used for k8s deployment as well): https://docs.dagster.io/_apidocs/cli#cmdoption-dagster-api-grpc-m But when I try to do that I'm getting the error:
Copy code
dagster._check.CheckError: Invariant failed. Description: Must specify only one code location when executing this command. Multiple {key} options given
Looks like a bug. Is it known?
Hey Mykola - this may have been an oversight in the docs that we’ll fix. -m spins up multiple gRPC servers in some commands and it looks like that incorrectly slipped through to the gRPC command as well
@daniel, I'm trying to migrate from
to locations. We have a lot of repositories served under the same grpc server. So what is an intended way for the locations? Should I configure a separate grpc server per location?
this question also can be formulated as "should I create a separate k8s deployment per location" because it looks like there is 1:1 correspondence for deployment:location (because of that
dagster api grpc
I’m going to tag in @schrockn here to confirm but I think the current answer if you have a lot of repositories in a single code location and don’t want to migrate them to a single Definitions object is to continue using repositories for now
Thanks for your answer! Let me add some context to clarify my problems: We mostly use ops/jobs instead of assets for the moment. So we group/isolate the jobs using "repositories". Puling them into one location seems irrational for me at the moment as there is no other mechanism to group jobs inside a single location. I'd like to use location instead of repository as it seems more logical to me especially when migrating our `op`s to `asset`s. But in this case helm chart will look a bit overwhelmed with "deployments" sections. So I'd like to clarify before starting the migration. Some documentation changes are required anyway as there is a discrepancy in the description and behavior.
If you want to use the new-style APIs to create named repositories you can use
in `dagster.code.definitions.definitionsc
@daniel, @schrockn, could you please let me know if this is a final decision to have only one "location" per k8s code deployment?
So that decision is final. However we will at some point re-introduce mechanisms to organize your definitions within a single code location, but a lightweight and more flexible fashion. In the meantime, the support way to do what you want is to use
and create named repositories. We will continue to support that for the forseeable future.
@schrockn, I doesn't bother me to rework all the repos to locations. I like the idea of locations as it more clear in terms of isolation. What actually bothers me: • Each location requires a separate section in deployments helm chart, which may be a significant amount of boilerplate even if you have reasonable amount of locations (at the moment we just use mono-repo with multiple repositories and that's easy to manage/upgrade) • Repositories help us to group jobs by some criteria in dagit interface. But if we add all of jobs to a single location then we will not have grouping mechanism for jobs (as I know it exists only for assets).
@Mykola Palamarchuk thanks for the feedback and understanding. I just approved a PR moving
to a top-level include, so you’ll be able to import it from top-level after next week’s release.