Hi - I am running into an unexpected error using d...
# ask-community
Hi - I am running into an unexpected error using dagster-serverless:
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Multiprocess executor: child process for step historical_fire_perimeters_geojson unexpectedly exited with code -9
It seems to occur after a successful yield of an
result in a job, halting the flow of the job.
cc @Gabe Schine - trying out your branch
Generally that’s an out of memory error. You might be launching the run in “non-isolated” mode meaning it’s sharing resources with some of your other processes. Switching to “isolated” mode might help get around this.
hmm let me try that, but it seems like the isolated run takes 3+ minutes extra to start?
Any idea why that would happen after a successful yield on an op? I wouldn’t expect > 1gB of memory usage in that op. It’s downloading/parsing some json but its not THAT much data.
I think it's on the order of 50mB, IIRC
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They have fewer compute resources: 0.25 vCPU cores and 1GB of RAM. These resources are shared with other processes for a code location like sensors. As a result, it's recommended to use isolated runs for compute intensive jobs and asset materializations.
50mB of json @Gabe Schine? even if that doubles when parsed into the FS model, we’re well under gB but I’m not sure the basic overhead of the dagit runner/baseline level
isolated run did fix the issue thanks @jordan
Yes, 50mB of uncompressed JSON string
looks like ~1minute of spin up time, I think that’s acceptable. Looks like this won’t be an issue for scheduled jobs @Gabe Schine.
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When launching runs manually, select Isolate run environment in the Launchpad to launch an isolated runs. Scheduled, sensor, and backfill runs are always isolated.
yep my read of the docs as well. does the UI let you do a manual asset materialization but isolate its job?
yes - checkbox in the “materialization config” modal.
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