Hey there, am I missing something or are dbt expos...
# integration-dbt
Hey there, am I missing something or are dbt exposures not loaded into the asset graph? I looked around in the issues and PRs and only found this PR, related to it. I’m thinking of a use case where I can define a dbt exposure and write a custom function to be triggered when upstream assets are updated. Of course I could always create another
that depends on the upstream ones relating to the exposure, but it would be nice not to need to duplicate the dependency graph.
hi @Vinnie! This is an interesting point -- I see what you mean about not duplicating dependency information. What would your ideal API look like here? Some way of defining a mapping between a dbt exposure and some op? And then under the hood we'd wrap that op in an asset definition with the correct dependencies based on the manifest?
Yep, that’s something along the lines I imagined. I don’t know if the function has to be an op, could be a regular python function too, but a simple mapping should do the trick.
Happy to write a feature request for the use case later!
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