hey all :slightly_smiling_face: Is there any way ...
# ask-community
hey all 🙂 Is there any way to render dagit into a static site?
Hey Oliver! There’s not a great way to render a full page of Dagit into a static site, but we do support exporting the asset and op graphs to SVG, and that can be embedded as an image elsewhere. Would that help?
Thanks, I am currently using the svg functionality which works well 🙂 What I am missing is the assets inventory page...the main usecase I am looking at is to be able to see dagstermill notebooks in context.
any thoughts on publicly hosting a readonly dagit? I would probably bake an sqlite db into the image
Is there a way to export the op graph as SVG other than via the user interface? It would be great to be able to export the SVGs as part of a CI/CD pipeline