is there any way to use the io_manager but not use...
# integration-snowflake
is there any way to use the io_manager but not use pandas…I can’t find any documentation on TypeHandlers. I need to load a dbt asset as an upstream asset and I believe I need an io_manager for this, since dagster won’t find a locally stored asset with that key
Right now the io manager only works with pandas, but you should be able to load tables created by dbt (they’ll just be loaded as pandas dataframes in the downstream asset). Not 100% sure if this matches your use case, but maybe SourceAssets would help? link here (specifically the “Make exiting tables available in Dagster” tab) Are there specific types you would like to see the snowflake io manager support? I’m currently working on adding PySpark support, but if there is another type that would be useful, i can look into adding that as well! Alternately I could help guide you through writing a custom type handler. It’s not well documented right now (although that’s on my todo list), but it’s not that difficult to do
Hey so I actually need to rerun a dbt table after manually updating an upstream dbt table (yeah...Not best practice here). Since the asset is loaded via dbt initially I'm not sure how I can do that - rematerialize a single dbt asset and give it a temporary upstream for one run.
I can share the code privately if it helps
yeah a code snippet would be helpful!