Dumb question, but is there an alternate syntax in...
# ask-community
Dumb question, but is there an alternate syntax in the UI when specifying partition ranges? Typically, I prefer specifying partition ranges with the end bound as exclusive. There are 2 reasons for this: • when running for a whole month, you don’t have to know what the end date actually is (i.e.: is it 30, 31, 28 or 29?), you just specify
2022-02-01, 2022-03-01
• when looping, you can use the previous
as the next iteration’s
directly I couldn’t find a way to specify something like
in the UI. Not sure what the behaviour of the
is, but I would also assume
to be exclusive
Not a stupid question - the monthly backfill example you brought up is particularly compelling. Made an issue for this: https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/issues/11772
🙏 1
Thanks! For the looping use case, this could come up in a script that launches backfills using the
, e.g.:
dagster job backfill --from $start --to ${start + 1month}
so it would be nice to support exclusive end bound on the
as well. Perhaps using something like
instead of
to specify an exclusive bound