Hi - Is there a pattern for how to do namespaced j...
# ask-community
Hi - Is there a pattern for how to do namespaced job runs using dagster OSS for different people/teams? For example, I have a dagster namespace that contains dagit and daemon services, and then I have different user code repos in different namespaces. i.e. Bob has his own bob namespace, and pushes his own code repo to that namespace, but the main instance of dagster isolates based on that namespace.
you could kind of achieve this by having your dagit / daemon service point out at different code locations, each of which map out to a namespace for the particular team / individual; but there isn’t a way for bob to just see the code relevant to his own namespace, he will have visibility into the entire deployment
thanks for the reply@chris . Is it possible to run each code location to run jobs in a seperate namespace? even if it’s not isolated for dagit, it is isolated within kubernetes.
you can set tags which I believe can configure the kube namespace each job will be running in? cc @johann who knows more about this type of thing than me
Hi Simon, it’s currently not supported to alert the namespace per code location. Feel free to submit an issue!
Currently you can separate the host deployments (dagit/daemon) and the user code deployments in to two separate namespaces, but that’s it.