Getting these errors in my CI/CD where I'm deployi...
# ask-community
Getting these errors in my CI/CD where I'm deploying a code location being reviewed and a Dagster instance sharing the same postgres database and run storage with the production Dagster instance.
Copy code
Operation name: AssetGraphLiveQuery

Message: Invariant failed. Description: step_materialization_data only callable when event_type is ASSET_MATERIALIZATION, called on ASSET_MATERIALIZATION_PLANNED

Path: ["assetNodes",10,"assetMaterializations"]

Locations: [{"line":24,"column":3}]
I'm able do view run history but Am I not supposed to be doing something like this?
what version of dagster are you running? I am not certain off the top of my head, but I believe this was a bug over a few versions that has since been resolved.
I just updated to 1.1.11 and I think the error is gone
I was running 1.1.10 before
alright, let us know if you see it again.
👍 1