Hi, when I define config schemas for resources, I ...
# ask-community
Hi, when I define config schemas for resources, I can use the configured API from within my Definitions object to set the values for the variables required by that resource.... Is there a way to do the same thing for assets? The AssestDefinition object doesn't seem to have a configured API....
I'd typically like to pull the values defined in the asset config schema from environment variables at run time.
we don’t have an implementation for configured on assets unfortunately 😕
🤕 1
could you suggest a work around? I really just want the compute function to have arguments whose values can be picked up from a .env file at run time
Hey sorry for the late reply here, wondering if maybe the best thing to do is to just read the file in directly for the moment. Are you relying on any dagster-specific parsing of the file’s contents? Ideally we should just have configured on assets though, as I think the programmatic loading of config use case you brought up is quite valid: https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/issues/12099
Hey @chris thanks for the feedback and opening an issue too!...
Are you relying on any dagster-specific parsing of the file’s contents
for now, no...I guess I should be able to pick up the values at runtime from the environment using the OS package in the meantime...however it'd be great to be able to explicitly configure an asset....hopefully the api gets added to assets soon 🤞🏻