I think i’ve identified a bug with dagster-fivetra...
# ask-community
I think i’ve identified a bug with dagster-fivetran connector. When the table that is being synced returns 0 rows the asset will fail to get materialized in dagster. log from fivetran:
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"message" : "Completed extracting records for table: public.accounting_attributes. Total rows extracted: 0. Finished extraction for 4 out of 160 tables"
log on dagster:
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dagster._core.errors.DagsterStepOutputNotFoundError: Core compute for op "fivetran_sync_foo_id did not return an output for non-optional output "public_table_name_bar"
cc @ben
Hi Bojan, thanks for identifying this issue, let me see if I can replicate it
Would you be able to share which connector you are using & the snippet of your Dagster code you are using to generate the assets?
Sure thing Ben, sorry for a late reply. I wasn’t near a laptop over the weekend.
I think this is an issue with fivetrans api. Redacted the table names but this is pretty much what i do
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db = build_fivetran_assets(
    asset_key_prefix=["fivetran", "snowflake", "db"],
the step that fails yields the following output.
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dagster._core.errors.DagsterStepOutputNotFoundError: Core compute for op "fivetran_sync_sensibly_censor" did not return an output for non-optional output "fivetran_snowflake_db_public_foo"
note that other tables will sync w/o issues
Hi Bojan, I believe this is being caused by Fivetran’s API not returning metadata for the table which has no rows synced in the API response. I’m going to add a config option to
which will force Dagster to create an asset materialization for all tables listed in
so that
will still be output
Thanks @ben! I’ve reached out to fivetran’s support around this, left their current official response. https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/pull/11972#issuecomment-1410284396
@ben any chance this goes out in the next release or should i just fork and patch this for us until it goes out
Hi Bojan, I’ll try to get this merged for tomorrow’s release
❤️ 1
👌 1
awesome thank you very much
@ben thanks for taking care of this, i’ve just tested it this morning and we’re good !